
The Family assigned to light the ADVENT CANDLE assembles in the front seat on Screen Side. The candle that was lighted the previous Sundays is lit before the Procession begins.

The Ministers begin the procession

Presider kisses the altar.

Sanctuary Assistants with Clear Book and Microphone are in attendance.

Other Ministers proceed to usual places.

Sign of the Cross


P       Praised be Jesus our Lord,

whose coming is announced by John the Baptist!

May we prepare for Jesus a straight path,

and may his peace and love be with you all.

All       And also with you.


Lighting of Candles

Assigned family ascends the steps and lights the 2nd Candle on the ADVENT WREATH

While they do this the Presider says slowly:


P       As we light the Advent wreath,

let us pray that God’s power may prepare our hearts and our world

for the advent of the kingdom,

the dawning of God’s day of justice and peace.


The family members now return to their seat.


Introduction  and  Litany of Praise


A       Today the voice of John the Baptizer comes to us out of the wilderness

calling us to a change of heart to prepare for the one who is to come.

In joyful expectation, let us call out to the Christ, who is our salvation.



You came as herald of the good tidings of God’s mercy:

Lord, come and save us.

Lord, come and save us.


You come to baptize in the Holy Spirit a people to be your own:

Christ, come and save us.

Christ, come and save us.


You will come to establish a ‘new heaven and a new earth’

where righteousness will be at home:

Lord, come and save us.

Lord, come and save us.




B       Are we prepared for the Lord’s coming?

What are the mountains and hills in our lives that need to be leveled?

What are the rough ways that need to be made smooth?

Let us now examine ourselves.  (pause)


Lord, your word came to John in the desert

that he might prepare the way for you:

Lord, have mercy.


John the Baptist preached repentance

which led to the forgiveness of sins:

Christ, have mercy.


Lord, we are challenged to level the mountain of our pride and sinfulness:

Lord, have mercy.


Opening Prayer


A       O God of mercy and might,

with tender comfort and transforming power

you come into our midst.

Make ready a way in the wilderness,

clear a straight path in our hearts,

and form us into a repentant people,

that the advent of your Son

may find us watchful and eager for the glory he reveals.


We ask this through him whose coming is certain,

your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

God for ever and ever.  AMEN.




B       God of everlasting love and glory,

from west and east you gather the humble,

leading them with joy

to the glorious light of your kingdom.


Make straight your path in our hearts;

bring low the heights of our pride;

and prepare us to celebrate with ardent faith

the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

God for ever and ever.  AMEN.




P       Praying with constant joy

and filled with the compassion of Christ Jesus,

let us offer intercession on behalf of all.


CM      Our response is:   Come, Lord Jesus, come!

Please repeat:


1          That in the Church and in the world,

there may be prophets to give a voice to the voiceless,

and hope to the hopeless.  We pray:


2          That political leaders and inspired people in our communities may strive to level the mountains of injustice and fill the valleys of poverty, and so bring about a just society. We pray:


3          Many people who are classified as disabled show that they are, in fact, able to do many things.  For them, and all who enable them to be fully involved in life, we pray


4          That those exiled from their homes by violence and terror

may soon exchange the garments of sorrow for robes of rejoicing. We pray:


5          That the One who began the good work of the Gospel in us

will carry It through to completion up to the day of Christ Jesus.  We pray:


P       Loving Father,

hear our prayers as we prepare for the coming of your Son.

Keep our hearts ever turned towards you,

and may our lives bear witness to your love for the world.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.



Prayer over the Gifts

Grant, O Lord,

that the gifts we present

may be pleasing in your eyes.

Make us watchful and faithful

as we await the coming of your Son, our Lord;

that when he shall be revealed,

he may find us active in his service

and joyful in his praise.

We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.  AMEN.


Invitation to the Lord’s Prayer

In the words our Savior gave us,

let us pray that all peoples shall see the salvation of God

when his kingdom comes:



Sign of Peace

The Baptizer pointed the way to Christ.

Let us acknowledge Christ in each other

as we offer a sign of peace.



Invitation to Communion

This is Jesus, the Lord,

the One who was, who is, and who is to come.

Blessed are we who are invited to his banquet.



Prayer after Communion     [based upon 2nd Reading]

Lord God of hope,

in this Eucharist we have again celebrated

the coming of your Son into our midst.

Grant that our love may overflow more and more

so that we may be pure and blameless,

having produced the harvest of righteousness

that comes through Jesus Christ  our Lord.   AMEN.


Solemn Blessing  [based on Readings]


May the one who began a good work among you

bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ. 



May God lead you with joy in the light of his glory.



May God make you steadfast in faith,

joyful in hope,

and untiring in love all the days of your life.



May the blessing of ……




The Mass is ended.

Go forth in peace to prepare the way of the Lord.


Download printable file here: 2nd Advent – C -Dalgan

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