
The Word of the Lord is living and active. [pause]

May you welcome God’s Word today

and may he always remain with you.



Introduction  and  Litany of Praise


A       Jesus looks at us all in a loving way.

But is our heart really with him…..

or is it too attached to earthly values and possessions?

Let us now examine ourselves.  (pause)


Lord, wealth is of no value compared with your gift of wisdom:

Lord, have mercy.


Lord, you know our inmost thoughts,

for nothing is concealed from you:

Christ, have mercy.


Lord, you reward those who follow you here on earth

and give them eternal joy in the life to come:

Lord, have mercy.



B       We are gathered here because we are disciples of Jesus.

But we don’t always follow him as closely as we should – something prevents us! That something is different for each one of us.

Let us reflect for a moment on what that might be.   [pause]


I confess…..










Opening Prayer


A       God of Wisdom,

whose Word probes the motives of our hearts;

with you all things are possible.

Let worldly treasure not keep us from Jesus,

who looks on us with love.


Free us to leave all things and follow him,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

God for ever and ever.  AMEN.



B       You know, O God, our thoughts and intentions,

and from your sight no creature can hide.

Pierce our inmost heart

with the two-edged sword of your Word.

Enlightened by your wisdom,

and freed from preoccupation with this world’s wealth,

may we welcome the presence among us of signs of your kingdom,

a treasure beyond compare.


We ask this through Jesus,

the high priest who sympathizes with our weakness,

for he is with you and the Holy Spirit,

God for ever and ever.  AMEN.

























P       “I prayed, and understanding was given me;

I called on God, and the spirit of wisdom came to me.”

Let us pray to the Father to bless all his people with Wisdom and Understanding.


CM      Our response is:       Send forth your Spirit of wisdom.

Please repeat:


1          For the leaders of the Church;  (pause)

that they may commit themselves wholeheartedly to the promotion of human dignity and the values of the gospel, we pray:


2          For parents, educators and those engaged in mass media;  (pause)

that through their example they may challenge the young to pursue the things that really matter; we pray:


[That we may continually affirm and defend the God-given dignity of indigenous peoples, especially the tribes and peoples of these islands: we pray:]


[That our government may protect the cultural heritage of the minorities from land-grabbers and the onslaught of globalization and profit:  we pray: ]


            [The Presider may include a Petition that is relevant / local]


P       God, we pray not for riches but for trust,

not for power but for courage,

not for pleasure but for joy.

Make us wise with the wisdom of Jesus Christ our Lord.  AMEN.



Prayer over the Gifts

Lord God,

no one is good but you alone.

We now present to you this bread and wine

that they may become our spiritual food and drink.

Help us to leave behind

everything that keeps us from following Jesus

so that with him we can renew all creation in your image.

We make our prayer through Christ our Lord.  AMEN.



Invitation to the Lord’s Prayer


A       The kingdom, the power and the glory belong to God alone.

Let us pray as his Son taught us:


B       Jesus promised that if we follow him, we will have eternal life.

Let us pray to God who alone is good and say / sing:



Deliver us Lord

Deliver us, Lord, from every evil

and grant your peace to a world that is confused.

Give us the Spirit of wisdom

so that we may not look for happiness

in the pursuit of power or possessions

as we wait in joyful hope

for the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ.



Prayer for Peace

Lord Jesus Christ,

you promise eternal life

to those who, for the sake of the good news,

are able to leave everything behind

and work for the promotion of the kingdom

where you live for ever and ever.



Exchange of Peace

As disciples of Jesus, we are called to be at peace with one another.

So let us now share a sign of that peace with those beside us.




Optional Prayer to accompany the Breaking of Bread

                      As the Holy Spirit strengthens your Church,

may this blessed and broken bread bring life to us.

And may this, your holy cup, poured out for all,

be our salvation.







Invitation to Communion

This is Jesus who asks us to leave everything and follow him.

Blessed are we if we can follow this call

for we will receive God’s blessings of abundance.



Prayer after Communion

Lord God, you have nourished us with the Bread of Life.

May this give us the courage to rely on your power  –

for with you all things are possible.

Let worldly treasure not keep us from Jesus,

who invites us to leave all things and follow him.

We make our prayer through the same Christ our Lord.  AMEN.




A       May God give you Wisdom and Understanding.  AMEN


May God keep you faithful to the Gospel.   AMEN.


May God grant you joy in the service of others.  AMEN.



B       May God keep you from all harm

and bless you with every good gift.  AMEN


May God set his Word in your heart

and fill you with the Spirit of Wisdom.  AMEN.


May you walk in his ways always knowing what is right and good,

until you enter your heavenly inheritance.  AMEN.





Go and be true disciples of Jesus,

sharing your gifts with others.

Download printable file here: 28th Ordinary – B

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