
The Lord be with you.

Introduction and  Litany of Praise

God reveals himself to us in the ordinary events of our daily lives.
But we need to make time for quiet and prayer
in order to discover just what God is saying to us.
Like Elijah, we must listen for the “gentle breeze”,
the “sound of sheer silence”.

O Lord, you hear our cries.

Lord, have mercy.

Your ears are attentive to the voice of our pleading.

Christ, have mercy.

With you is found mercy and fullness of redemption.

Lord, have mercy.

In today’s Gospel Jesus invites us to have faith in him even when we feel that we are overwhelmed by difficulties.  When we are ‘out of our depth’, he is there to help us.

“Take courage. It is I.
Do not be afraid”, he says.

In you, Lord, mercy and faithfulness have met.

Lord, save us.

In you, Lord, justice and peace have embraced.

Christ, save us.

In you, Lord, we have salvation.

Lord, save us.

Opening Prayer

Strong and faithful God,
your outstretched arm
governs the mighty forces of creation,
and your gentle hand
cradles even the smallest of creatures.

Reach out your hand to us of “little faith”,
that we may take heart and not be afraid,
knowing that you are God-with-us in Jesus,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever.   AMEN

God of power and might,
your sovereign word comes to us in Christ Jesus.

When your Church is in danger, make firm our trust;
when your people falter, steady our faith.

Show us in Jesus your power to save,
that we may always acclaim him as the Lord,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever.   AMEN.

                                      GENERAL  INTERCESSIONS

P       When Elijah was troubled and afraid, he fled to the mountain of the Lord. When Peter faltered in his faith, he looked to the Lord for help. The Lord our God is here, in the midst of this community. We bring our needs before him as we pray:

CM      Lord, save us.

            Please repeat:

  1. We pray for our Holy Father, Pope _________, and the bishops of the Church.   (pause) May the power of the Lord’s presence continue to guide them in the storms and crises that face the Church.  We pray:
  2. For the thousands of Filipinos who work on ships at home and abroad.   (pause) May they be saved from disasters and always find in Jesus a haven of peace. We pray:
  3. That nations battered by the storms of war and ethnic strife may come one day to rejoice in reconciliation and peace.  We pray:
  4. We remember today the millions of people in the different countries of AFRICA who are suffering severe hardships because of famine, AIDS and wars.  (pause) We pray:
  5. For ourselves: (pause) that we may have a sense of Christ’s presence with us at all times, especially in times of trial, we pray:

[The Presider may add a petition that is local / relevant]

 P       Heavenly Father, the hand of your loving kindness gently yet powerfully guides all the moments of our lives. Strengthen our weak faith, so that we may walk through every storm toward a safe haven and true peace, with Christ our Lord.  AMEN.

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord, our refuge and our hope,
look upon our gifts,
drawn from the good things you have given us.

Thank you for your words of encouragement
that we need not be afraid,
for we follow Jesus, your Son, and our Lord.  AMEN.

Intro to the Our Father

Jesus told his disciples to have courage and not to be afraid.
So with confidence we call God….

Deliver Us

Deliver us, Lord, from every evil,
and grant us peace in our day.
Keep us free from discouragement and doubt
and from fears that paralyze us.
Help us to discover the outstretched hand of your Son,
as we wait with joyful hope
the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Prayer for Peace

Lord, Jesus Christ,
when the disciples were struggling against wind and sea,
you came to them and said:

“Courage!   It is I.
Do not be afraid!”

Come to us in our moments of adversity
and calm our fears,
so that we may enjoy the peace of your kingdom
where you live for ever and ever.

Sign of Peace

Let us now extend to one another
the hand of friendship and peace.

Invitation to Communion

This is the Lord Jesus,
the Son of the Living God.
Blessed are we who are invited to the Supper of the Lamb.

Prayer after Communion

Strong and Faithful God,
you made yourself known to Elijah in the gentle breeze;
you saved Peter by taking him by the hand.

Today you have made yourself known to us
and have revived us in this Eucharist.

Lord, increase our faith
and do not allow us to be separated from Christ,
who will lead us safely to you.
All this we ask in the name of the same Christ our Lord.   AMEN

Solemn Blessing

The Lord is not in the wind.

The Lord is not in the earthquake.

The Lord is not in the fire.

The Lord is in the gentle breeze,
in the sound of sheer silence.

In the midst of your fears and worries
may you always hear his word. AMEN.

May our loving God bless you,

+  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.   AMEN.


This week,
let us try to be attentive to the Lord’s presence in our lives.

Go in the peace of Christ.

Download printable file here: 19th Ordinary – A

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