Sign of the Cross


From God the Father
and the Lord Jesus Christ,
peace and love be with you all. [Eph.6:23]


God’s word provides a solid foundation for our lives.
But it is not enough to listen to it;
we have to put it into practice.
We know we have not always done this, so let us ask God’s forgiveness.

Litany of Praise

Lord, your words are a lamp for our steps and a light for our path:

Lord, have mercy.

Lord, when we build our lives on your word,
we are building them on solid rock:

Christ, have mercy.

Lord, your words will never pass away:

Lord, have mercy.

Opening Prayer

God of justice,
rock of our salvation,
open our minds and hearts to Jesus your Son.

Let us hold fast to his words
and express them in deeds,
that our faith may be built on a sure foundation
and our lives be judged worthy of you.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever.   AMEN.

O God, our firm foundation,
strengthen us to build our lives
not on the shifting sands of human opinion,
but on the solid rock of your Son’s gospel.
Welcome us, then, to a place in your kingdom.

We make our prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever.   AMEN.

                                    GENERAL INTERCESSIONS

 P       Holding loyally to the gospel which urges us to build our spiritual house on the will of God, we make our prayer in faith.

CM    Let our response be: Lord, hear us.

  1. For those who hold political and economic power: (pause) may they build a better future for all on the rock of justice. We pray with faith:
  2. For the engaged and married couples of our community: (pause) may they build their lives together on the rock of Christ’s teaching and his example of sacrificial love. We pray with faith:
  3. For our young people growing up in an unstable and confusing world: (pause) may they find meaning in their lives and learn how to see blessings even in apparent failure. We pray with faith:
  4. For ourselves: (pause) that we may be filled with a desire to do God’s will, to live according to the Scriptures and be ready to receive the blessings promised by our God. We pray with faith:

                     [The Presider may wish to add a petition that is local / relevant]

 P       Lord, grant that what we have said with our lips, we may believe with our hearts, and practice with our lives. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Prayer over the Gifts

Grant, Lord God,
that all who suffer persecution
because of their faithful service to you
may gladly unite their sufferings
to the sacrifice of Christ, your Son,
and know that you love them with an everlasting love.
All this we ask through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Intro to the Our Father

Seeking first the kingdom of God and its righteousness,
we now pray the prayer of Jesus:

Deliver Us

Deliver us, Lord, from evil
and from selfishness that leads us to sin.
Give us the peace that comes from seeking your will in all we do
as we prepare in hope
for the full coming among us
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Prayer for Peace

Lord Jesus Christ, you said to your apostles and to us:

“The one who does the will of my Father
will enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Help us to build our lives
not on the shifting sands of human opinion
but on the solid rock of your Son’s gospel.
And welcome us to a place in your kingdom
where you live for ever and ever.

Sign of Peace

As children of the God of peace
let us share a sign of that peace with those alongside us.

Optional Prayer to accompany the ‘Breaking of Bread’

Our Father gives us the bread from heaven
and the saving cup brimming with life.
May this bread broken and cup poured
link us together in charity and peace
so that we may be living signs of the Lord’s kingdom.

Invitation to Communion

This is Jesus who promises the kingdom
to all who do the will of his Father.
Let us then approach with confidence
the altar-table of the Lord.

Prayer after Communion

God of all faithfulness,
you have nourished us with the Bread of Life.
Help us to build our lives on the rock of Christ’s teaching
and the example of his sacrificial love.
All this we ask through Christ our Lord. AMEN.

Solemn Blessing

May God give you courage and strength.     AMEN.

May God keep you from every fear and anxiety.   AMEN

May you always know the depths of God’s love.   AMEN.

And may God bless you,

+ the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. AMEN.


As disciples eager to share with all the blessedness of God’s kingdom,
go in peace to love and serve the Lord.

Download printable file here: 9th Ordinary – A






























The Blessing is divided into two parts; for FATHERS; for Whole Assembly.

After the Post-communion Prayer, the Presider says in these or similar words.


As a tribute to the Fathers of the World we will now have a special Blessing.

So may we request all FATHERS and GRANDFATHERS to remain STANDING.   All others, please be seated.   (pause)


P       God, whom Jesus, and we, call Father,

listen to our prayer.


Bless the Fathers and Grandfathers gathered here today

with the strength of Your Spirit.


Bless those who taught us how to stand and to walk,

how to play and to talk.


Bless those who led us and fed us,

ploughed and planted,

harvested and milled,

who worked to give us our daily bread,

and showed us that all work is sacred.


Bless every father whose love for his wife and children

makes your love visible for each of us.


Bless them for being strong and yet tender,

for their guidance, care and concern,

and for helping us to discipline ourselves.


Bless them with health and happiness,

with pride in us, their children,

and surround them with friends who are loyal and true.


Reward all men who down through the ages

gave their lives that we can live in freedom

and build a world of peace and justice.


CM      May we ask everyone to please STAND for the Final Blessing (pause)


P       And finally, we ask you, God of all tenderness,

to descend upon all fathers,

and upon all of us who love them.

+   In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


A          AMEN.

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