
The grace and peace of God our Father
and the Lord Jesus Christ
be with you.

Introduction  and  Litany of Praise

The Lord’s ways are not our ways.

We should not be surprised, therefore, if those whom we think are the least deserving of God’s blessings are the ones who actually receive them.

In fact they receive more!  God is never outdone in generosity!  (pause)

For the times we have been envious of others
to whom God has apparently given more:

Lord, have mercy.

For the times we have resented newcomers coming into our part of the Lord’s vineyard:

Christ, have mercy.

 For sometimes thinking that we have more right to God’s favors than others:

Lord, have mercy.

Opening Prayer

To the last as to the first, O God,
you are generous and just,
for as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so high are your ways above our ways.

Let us never begrudge your generosity towards others
while we work without ceasing for the coming of your kingdom.

We ask through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever.   AMEN.

                                      GENERAL  INTERCESSIONS

P       Let us pray now to God our Father whose generosity is always greater than we can expect or imagine.

CM      Our response is:        Loving Father, hear our prayer.

  1. That countries rich in agricultural or technological resources may be generous in sharing these benefits with nations in need. We pray:
  2. That laborers faced with poor working conditions or unjust wages may find support in Christian social teaching and solidarity in the Christian community. We pray:
  3. That those who are out of work may not lose the hope of being able to provide for themselves and their families.   We pray:
  4. That in our Christian communities we may not be jealous of each other’s gifts and talents but use our own in the service of all:   We pray

[The Presider may add a Petition that is local / relevant]

P       Heavenly Father, help us to be always thankful for the many gifts you have showered upon us.  Bring us closer to one another in understanding and love. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord.  AMEN.

Prayer over the Gifts

Generous God,
in these signs of bread and wine
we bring to you the fruits of our labor.

May your Son Jesus,
who worked as a carpenter in Nazareth,
help us to bear the burden of our daily work,
and to seek your will in all we do.

We ask this through the same Christ our Lord.  AMEN.

Invitation to the Lord’s Prayer

The Lord is close to all who call him,
especially to those who can say…..

Deliver us, Lord

Deliver us, Lord, from every evil
and keep us from applying to you
our human thoughts and ways.
Help us to appreciate the immensity of your generosity
as we prepare with hope and joy
for the full coming among us
of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Prayer for Peace

Lord, Jesus Christ, you said to your apostles:

“Peace, I leave with you,
my peace I give you.”

Help us to put an end to all envy and quarreling
so that we can work without concern for the reward of our labors,
and enjoy the peace of your kingdom
where you live for ever and ever.  AMEN.

Exchange of Peace

As children of the God of peace,
let us offer one another a sign of peace.

We are all co-workers of the Lord;
let us greet each other in his name.

Invitation to Communion

This is Jesus who says:

‘Come here and take your place at table’

Blessed are we who come
even though we are unworthy servants.

Prayer after Communion

Generous God,
everything we have and everything we are
is a gift from you.

Let us not begrudge your generosity to others,
knowing that we too are undeserving of your favors,
and stand more in need of your mercy than of your justice.
All this we ask through Christ our Lord.  AMEN.

Solemn Blessing

May you always be aware of God’s great love for you.   AMEN.

May that love always live in your hearts.     AMEN.

May it show forth in your actions.      AMEN.

And may the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,

+  bless you now and forever.    AMEN.


The Lord has assured us of a generous reward.
Let us go now and joyfully work for the spread of his kingdom.

As laborers sent into the vineyard to work for an abundant harvest,
go in peace to love and serve the Lord.

Download printable file here: 25th Ordinary – A

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